Southeastern YR Conference

Hotel Information: 13-14 June 2025

Fraternal Greetings Companions and Sir Knights,

We are looking forward to seeing you at the Southeastern York Rite Conference to be held at the Sonesta Atlanta Airport North on June 13 and 14, 2025. Downtown Atlanta is a short drive from the hotel and there are many features to visit including the World of Coke, Georgia Aquarium, College Football Hall of Fame, King Memorial Center, and the Carter Center and Presidential Library. For those of you flying in the Hotel does operate a free Shuttle between the Airport and Hotel.

The Sonesta is located at 1325 Virginia Ave, Atlanta 30344. Reservations can be made by using this link, Southeastern York Rite Conference 2025 or by calling Sonesta at (833)-435-0620 or the Hotel Directly at (404)-768-6660 when making a reservation please let them know you are with the Southeastern York Rite Group Number G061225YRK. We have secured a great room rate of $119.00/night, when taxes and fees are added the rate comes up to $143.00/night. There is also a $10.00/day parking fee. The last day for room reservations is May 29th.

Attached is a Registration and meal order form. Everyone who attends the conference will need to register. Meals are not a part of the Registration Fee. Tickets will be distributed to those who purchase meals, and the tickets will be collected at the door to the Ballroom. There will be a Tote Bag Painting for the Ladies on Friday morning, so when registering please indicate if your Lady will be attending.

A reminder to all Southeastern Grand Commanderies: all Grand Commanders, Deputy Grand Commanders, Grand Generalissimos, Grand Captain Generals and Grand Recorders are required by the Grand Encampment Constitution to attend a Department Conference each year. If you have a scheduling issue you have two choices, one you can attend another Department Conference or two you can, in the case of an emergency, request an excused absence from the Grand Master of the Grand Encampment.

The Conference is intended to be focused on York Rite Masonry and to be an event for idea sharing and education. As such we encourage all York Rite Masons to attend this conference. There is a perception that this conference is for Grand Officers, and nothing could be further from the truth. It is intended for all York Rite Masons in all jurisdictions, or even non-York Rite members who may want to check out York Rite Masonry.

If you have any questions, please

Call the Accommodations Chair, R. P. James W. Bard

Your Grand York Rite Internet Committee

R. P. James W. Bard
SE Regional Deputy
General Grand Master Int’l

Call R. P. James W. Bard

E.S.K. Paul W. Friend
SE Department Commander
Grand Encampment of USA

Call E.S.K. Paul W. Friend

M. E. Mark A. Bradley
SE Regional Deputy
General Grand High Priest Int’l

Call M.E. Mark A. Bradley

Registration Form Download Registration Form and Hotel Information

Conference Itinerary Download Conference Itinerary