Past Master Quiz

Past Master Quiz

Past Master Quiz

Source: The Book of the Chapter by Albert C. Mackey
Available free online at Google Books:
Alabama Monitor, particular the Installation of Officers
Scripture reading: Psalm 1:1-6

In the Alabama Monitor, read the questions posed to the Worshipful Master in Installation of Officers. How many of the 15 questions asked the Worshipful Master match the 15 questions asked in the Past Master’s degree in Mackey’s The Book of the Chapter?
In the Alabama Ritual monitor, the Worshipful Master is presented with 8 implements of the lodge. How many of these correspond with the Implements of a Past Master listed in Mackey’s The Book of the Chapter?
What is the Worshipful Master charged to carefully preserve? (From Alabama Monitor Installation of Officers)
According to the Alabama Monitor Installation of Officers, what are the Three Great Lights?
According to the Alabama Monitor Installation of Officers, upon what does the Harmony of the Lodge materially depend?