From the apartment of the
Right Eminent Grand Commander
Ronald G. Andress
To the Officers and Sir Knights of the Grand Commandery and the Officers and Sir Knights of the Constituent Commanderies, Knights Templar of Alabama and to whomsoever it may concern:
By virtue of the action taken at the 68th Triennial Conclave in Minneapolis, MN as it pertains to Section 260 of the Grand Encampment code, the wearing of a Templar apron was approved pending approval of each Grand Commandery.
Therefore, since no change to the Alabama Grand Commandery uniform regulations was submitted for consideration at our last Grand Conclave, it is my order that no Templar apron will be worn in public or private assemblies.
James C. McGee, KCT, KTCH
E Grand Recorder
Ronald G. Andress, KCT
RE Grand Commander