To the Officers and Sir Knights of the Grand Commandery and the Officers and Sir Knights of the Constituent Commanderies, Knights Templar of Alabama and to whomsoever it may concern:
By virtue of the action taken at the 68th Triennial Conclave in Minneapolis, MN as it pertains to Section 260 of the Grand Encampment code, the wearing of a Templar apron was approved pending approval of each Grand Commandery.
Therefore, since no change to the Alabama Grand Commandery uniform regulations was submitted for consideration at our last Grand Conclave, it is my order that no Templar apron will be worn in public or private assemblies.
To the Officers and Sir Knights of the Grand Commandery and the Officers and Sir Knights of the Constituent Commanderies, Knights Templar of Alabama and to whomsoever it may concern:
By virtue of the action taken at the 68th Triennial Conclave in Minneapolis, MN as it pertains to Section 259 of the Grand Encampment code, whereby the statutory dates for wearing the summer uniform was eliminated and the authority to determine the dates in which the summer uniform could be worn now lies with the Grand Commander.
Therefore, it is my order that the authorized dates for wearing the summer uniform will be from March 1 to October 31.
To the Officers and Sir Knights of the Grand Commandery and the Officers and Sir Knights of the Constituent Commanderies, Knights Templar of Alabama and to whomsoever it may concern:
By virtue of the action taken at the Annual Conclave held at Birmingham, AL on February 26, 2022, I hereby assume command of the Grand Commandery of Alabama.
The following officers were elected and appointed and will be obeyed and respected accordingly:
SK Charles Sterling Hughes Deputy SK Sidney Ray Cooley, Sr. SK William Jerald Burfitt, Jr. SK James David Wyatt, Jr. SK Thomas Roland Bassett SK Rev. William Geary Hewett SK Thomas Harper Nesbit, PGC SK James C. McGee, PGC SK William Allen Carter SK Anthony Mark Stillwell SK Wayne Scott Wadsworth SK Michael Shane Hallman
Grand Commander Grand Generalissimo Grand Captain General Grand Senior Warden Grand Junior Warden Grand Prelate Grand Treasurer Grand Recorder Grand Standard Bearer Grand Sword Bearer Grand Warder Grand Sentinel
To assist with the administration of the Grand Commandery the following committee were appointed:
AUDIT Michael Feld, Chairman Lee R. Gibson
BY‐LAWS Teddy R. Grogan, PGC, Chm W. Scott Wadsworth Bobby Jordan
CREDENTIALS AND REGISTRATION Michael Hallman, Chm Tommy Fields Tim Holland
RITUALISTIC WORK Nick Barnes Sid R. Cooley, Sr. Michael Feld
FINANCE Brian Smith Mark Stillwell William Carter
FRATERNAL CORRESPONDENCE Phillip J. Sherman, PGC Johnny Strickland Ted Loggins
FUNDRAISING J. David Wyatt, Chm Mark Stillwell, Vice Chm Brian McDonald Nick Barnes Lee R. Gibson Wes Lane Johnny Strickland W. Scott Wadsworth Blake Stutts William Carter Brian Autrey Thomas Langley
GRAND COMMANDERS ADDRESS James C. McGee, PGC Phillip J. Sherman, PGC Winston Each, PGC
INTERNET Joel Bryant, Chm Ross Jackson
MEMBERSHIP Tommy Bassett, Chm Joel Bryant Rani Christie Lee R. Gibson Ted Loggins Jason Hess Brian McDonald Ricky Holden Nick Barnes J. David Wyatt Mark Stillwell
TEMPLAR JURISPRUDENCE Jamie A. Smith, PGC Chm Teddy R. Grogan, PGC NECROLOGY Rev. William Hewett, Sr
KNIGHT TEMPLAR MAGAZINE Tom F. Craig, PGC KNIGHT TEMPLAR EYE FOUNDATION Tommy Bassett YOUTH Brian Autrey, Chm William J.(Doug) Burfitt, Jr
KNIGHT TEMPLAR EDUCATION FOUNDATION Ronald Andress, REGC, Chm (3) Aaron Haycraft (5) Phillip J. Sherman, PGC (1) Michael Feld (2) Sid R. Cooley, Sr. (4) James C. McGee, PGC (Sec/Treas)